Monday, 17 January 2011 14:00

Version 0.83.2 is available

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Main focus of this new version is mainly bug fixes. There are also some important new features such as DrawCell event for Grid components.

After compiling your apps with this new version you need to re-deploy the ext js folder to servers running uniGUI apps. (ext-3.3.0 folder for this version).

Note: ColorButton.dcu is no longer included in the package, so you may need to remove it from existing project units Uses list.

List of changes in 0.83.x release:
- 0000781: UniDBGrid: Row selection bug when no data is in dataset
- 0000779: UniStringGrid: OnClick event implemented
- 0000780: UniDBGrid: OnCellClick bug
- 0000777: TUniDBGridColumn.ReadOnly property
- 0000778: UniStringGrid: Assigning HTML content to cells
- 0000776: UniDBLookUpXXX: ListSource cursor position does not follow Lookup value
- 0000773: UniDBGrid: Column.Title.Font/Color
- 0000771: UniDBGrid: Column.Font property
- 0000772: UniDBGrid: Column.Color property
- 0000775: UniFont: [fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut] implemented
- 0000774: TUniStringGrid: OnDrawCell event
- 0000769: UniDBGrid: Row position is ignored if row is immediately changed after a call to Open()
- 0000673: UniDBGrid: OnDrawColumnCell event
- 0000768: Better "ext\" folder translation
- 0000766: TUniCalender.FirstDayOfWeek property
- 0000767: TUniDateTimePicker.FirstDayOfWeek property
- 0000765: UniImage: Bug when both Proportional and Stretch are true
- New Demo: DrawCell
- 0000764: KeyValue property for UniDBLookupXXX
- 0000763: UniDBGrid doesn't handle TDataSet.Refresh()
- 0000762: UniListBox and Items.Delete bug
- 0000760: UniDBLookupXXX: KeyField value submit bug
- 0000761: UniEdit and KeyXXX event bug
- 0000759: UniDBLookupXXX: KeyField value problem
- 0000756:  MenuItem.Enabled property
- 0000755:  MenuItem.Visible not working in web mode.
- 0000754:  UniPageControl: UniTabSheet design time editor
- 0000661:  enabled/disabled property of TUniToolbarButton
- 0000751:  UniRadioButton value submission bug
- 0000749:  Changing ReadOnly := False in UniDateTimePicker & UniDbLookupComboBox raises AV
- 0000721:  Set ReadOnly := False on UniDB controls on runtime raises AV
- 0000445:  Customizable Timeout and Terminate pages.
- 0000558:  Customizable End of Session
- 0000748:  Field property for DB aware controls
- 0000747:  AV when trying to access the property TUniDBEdit.Field
- 0000746:  SessionManager: Bug when there is an Exception in session.Destroy
- 0000745:  TUniMemo.Clear bug
- 0000740:  UniTreeView: Node.Data not implemented
- 0000744:  UniDBMemo.Lines property
- 0000743:  UniDBMemo.Text porperty is not published
- 0000739:  UniTreeView: Items.Clear not implemented
- 0000736:  UniPageControl: Runtime assignment of OnChange event
- 0000737:  UniDBLookupXXX: Bug when there is " in string
- 0000738:  UniTreeView: GetFirstNode not implemented
- 0000485:  TUniButton renders non-themed!
- 0000698:  Toolbar Button Image/Text alignment
- 0000732:  TUniPageControl: Bug while setting designtime ActivePage
- 0000716:  Change Tab title in runtime
- 0000507:  Direct filename or image URL for TUniImage
- 0000733:  TUniScreenMask with a TUniPageControl does not work
- 0000734:  AutoScroll property for UniHTMLFrame
- 0000680:  The Alignment taRightJustify of a TUniDBGrid column
- 0000610:  TabOrder for dynamically created controls
- 0000627:  Unpublish OnChange in TUniComboBox web mode
- 0000601:  New Event in ServerModule to handle exceptions
- 0000728:  Disabled UniEdit does not receive values assigned with Control.Text := Value
- 0000720:  Tag property for DBGrid Columns
- 0000723:  DBGrid: numeric column is not aligned to right
- 0000722:  Setting Align := alCenter on DBGridColumns does not work
- 0000715:  OmniHTTPD and UniGUI ISAPI
- 0000724:  Runtime assignment for Align/Alignment property of UniDbGrid column
- 0000714:  UniDBGrid: Implement StripeRows property
- 0000712:  raise error if Form owner is not either TUniGUIApplication or TApplication
- 0000609:  TUniTimer: Attach to TUniScreenMask
- 0000703:  TUniDBLookUpxxx bug when datasource and datafield are not assigned
- 0000731:  Broken TabOrder in 0.82.0
- 0000708:  UniGroupBox: Caption assignment when created dynamically
- 0000706:  UniEdit: Password char bug
- 0000707:  UniSplitter: ScreenMask doesn't work
- 0000709:  Changes in Form layout not reflected correctly
- 0000437:  AV when creating inherited forms when no projectgroup is available
- 0000413:  Maximized ExtWindow can't return to normal size
- 0000697:  UniPanel: Caption Alignment
- 0000696:  UniPanel: Caption
- 0000699:  UniPageControl: TabSheet is visible when TabVisible=False
- New Demo: CustomException
- New Demo: UniImage

 See complete ChangeLog

Read 3464 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:31