Thursday, 01 December 2011 14:52

Version 0.87 is available

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uniGUI Version 0.87.0 is available for public download.

Version 0.87 mainly targets bug fixes and client side stability. It address many important bugs and issues which are important for stability on both client and server side. It also provides libraries for Delphi XE2. (Currently Win32 only)
- 0000729: Ajax bug handling problem when form is newly created.
- 0001186: Bug when exception is raised in Form.OnShow event
- 0001185: Bug when exception is raised before created form is shown
- 0001188: Improved exception handling when execption occurs in Form OnShow/OnCreate
- 0001187: Add CSV to supported Mime types
- 0001184: UniDBLookup: Issue with assigning KeyValue
- 0001183: UniDBLookup: Text set to Readonly
- 0001174: Issue while setting background color when Transparent is False
- 0001173: TUniLabel: VCL Click bug when label is a html link
- 0001066: UniDBLookUpxx : List doesn't refresh when dataset rows change
- 0001101: UniSession.URL property
- 0001166: Form Top/Left not visible when Form doesn't fit in browser
- 0001080: Double Ajax=1 param in ajax events
- 0001172: Issue when Grid cell is being edited and row changes by Tab
- 0001171: El property assignment bug when component is on invisible TabSheet
- 0001169: UniTabSheet: OnClose event (Web only)
- 0000503: Closable Tabs in UniPageControl
- 0001168: Event assignment error when Name=''
- 0001167: UniDBGrid: Issue when DataSet.RecordCount is not consistent
- 0000937: TUniForm.Visible at runtime
- 0001140: Launching ScreenMask from JavaScript
- 0000911: Setting hints at runtime.
- 0001163: FileUpload: Show proper error message when file name is blank
- 0000969: Clicking on window upper right corner [X] is not handled in OnClose event
- 0001157: TUniDBEdit: Field.Size is ignored
- 0001158: Bug when AutoEdit=False and DataSet is in edit mode
- 0001159: UniDBGrid: Attribute render bug
- 0001160: UniDBLookUpXX: Item list construct bug
- 0001161: UniDBLookUpX: Value/Item is not updated after list items are changed
- 0001162: UniDBListBox: Clicks are not captured
- 0001165: UniServerModule: OnBeforeInit event
- 0000518: UniSpinEdit: Spin works when disabled
- 0000946: TUniMainMenu: Root menu visible
- 0000855: UniMainModule.OnSessionTimeOut event
- 0001111: Implement UniApplication.Terminate(Message: string);
- 0001137: TreeNode with no image when ImageIndex=-1
- 0001149: Delphi XE2 Support (Win32 only)
- 0001150: UniDBGrid fit problem in GroupBox
- 0001151: Ext JS version upgraded to 3.4.0
- 0001152: IE9 native support
- 0001132: Set designers' position to poScreenCenter
- 0000544: Ajax callback process bug
- 0001148: UniDBGrid: dgTitleClick is ignored in web mode
- 0001128: Bug when DataSource.AutoEdit=False
- 0001125: UniComboBox: Bug in value set
- 0001124: TUniTabControl: Object leak issue
- 0001121: Top level menu Visible=False
- 0001119: VCL: UniDBGrid TitleClick Bug
- 0001118: SetVisible bug
- 0001129: UniDBGrid: Change TitleFont @runtime
- 0001127: Display Ampersand when it is not a shortcut
- 0001110: Bug in empty form Caption
- 0001063: UniLabel AutoSize for web mode
- 0001131: Bug when TUniLabel.Color<>clBtnFace and Transparent is True
- 0001130: TUniLabel: AutoSize default set to true
- 0001138: UniPanel Alignment bug
- 0001143: Bug when Resetting Font.Color to clWindowText
- 0001144: Ajax Error when closing Form containing uniDBGrid
- 0001145: New JavaScript methods showMask() and hideMask()
- 0001146: Bug in ISAPI mode: UrlPath is converted to lowercase
- 0001147: UniDBGrid.SetFocus() Web mode bug
- New Demo: Closable Tabs
- New Demo: UIMask-Client
- New Demo: SessionTimeout

See complete Changelog.

PS: In this version Ext JS version has upgraded to 3.4.0, so you may need to re-adjust ServerModule->ExtRoot parameter. You don't need to change anything if it is already set to 'ext-x.y.z\', as it will automatically point to new ext-3.4.0 folder.
Also don't forget to deploy ext-3.4.0 folder to your servers.

Read 4233 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:15