We are happy to announce that a new build for Trial Edition of uniGUI is available. It contains many bug fixes, new features and improvements. It can be downloaded from here.
[UNG-2005] - ChartDemo - SaveImage
[UNG-2006] - ChartDemo - DB
[UNG-2007] - FastReport - Dynamic
[UNG-2008] - Revised: FastReport - MultiReport
[UNG-2009] - Revised: FastReport
[UNG-2045] - Grid - DBTreeGrid
[UNG-2046] - ClientEvents-HtmlToAjax
[UNG-2047] - Grid - DBVerticalTreeGrid
[UNG-2049] - Grid - DBVerticalGrid
[UNG-2062] - DBLookupComboBox - GridMode
[UNG-1962] - Theme and Runtime should install as separate products
[UNG-1965] - UniTreeNode: GetPrev and GetPrevSibling methods.
[UNG-1969] - TUniFormattedNumberEdit: Ability to set FormattedInput parameters at runtime.
[UNG-1971] - TUniChart.Axes: Min ans Max properties
[UNG-1975] - UniMainModule: New ExtLocale property
[UNG-1976] - UniMainModule: New ServerMessages property
[UNG-1977] - UniServerModule: UnavailableErrMsg property moved to TUniServerMessages class
[UNG-1978] - UniServerModule: LoadingMessage property moved to TUniServerMessages class
[UNG-1983] - Improved error message when a blocking modal is called in OnShow/OnCreate
[UNG-1984] - TUniFileUpload: New ExecuteN procedure
[UNG-1991] - New TUniLibraryFileOption set "upoDefer" member.
[UNG-1992] - TUniTreeNode: GetNext & GetNextSibling methods
[UNG-1993] - TUniStatusBar: SimpleText property
[UNG-1998] - TUniTreeNode: New TopItem property.
[UNG-1999] - TUniTrackBar: New LineSize property.
[UNG-2000] - TUniTrackBar: New UseTips property.
[UNG-2003] - Prevent calling unsafe methods ProcessMessages & HandleMessages in DLL mode.
[UNG-2004] - Prevent calling unsafe methods AllocateHWnd & DeallocateHWnd in DLL mode.
[UNG-2012] - Support for full links in ServerModule.CustomFiles.
[UNG-2014] - Corrected member visibility for TUniCustomLayoutAttribs and TUniCustomLayoutConfig classes
[UNG-2020] - DBLookup controls: New ListFecthAll property.
[UNG-2035] - TUniTreeView: New ShowIcon property.
[UNG-2040] - UniServerModule: New PatchVCL option.
[UNG-2056] - Application Icon creation logic changed.
[UNG-2058] - New MainModule.BrowserOptions member boDisableChromeRefresh
[UNG-1954] - TUniSpeedButton should publish TabStop and TabOrder
[UNG-1955] - Fix all compile warning messages.
[UNG-2036] - TUniImageList marked as deprecated. (Use TUniNativeImageList instead)
[UNG-2039] - Kaspersky virus warning for installer
[UNG-2059] - Sessions must be freed before ServerModule.OnDestroy event.
[UNG-2063] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo support
New Feature
[UNG-1963] - New Documentation installer
[UNG-1973] - New methods: ShowMessageN & ShowModalN.
[UNG-1981] - TUniFormControl: New FieldLabelFont property
[UNG-1986] - TUniChart: New AutoRefresh property
[UNG-1987] - TUniChart: New RefreshData method
[UNG-1988] - TUniChartSeries: New DataSource property
[UNG-1989] - TUniChartSeries: New YValues & XLabelsSource property
[UNG-1990] - TUniDBGridColumn: New Flex property
[UNG-1994] - TUniDBGrid: New ForceFit property
[UNG-1995] - TUniChart: New OnChartImage event
[UNG-1996] - TUniChart: New SaveImage method.
[UNG-2001] - TUniCalendarDialog: New Execute (Blocking) function and ExecuteN methods.
[UNG-2002] - UniMainModule: OnNewComponent event
[UNG-2015] - TUniDBGrid: New dgColumnMove option.
[UNG-2016] - Capability to specify worker thread stack size for ISAPI modules
[UNG-2017] - UniServerModule: ISAPIOptions.ThreadStackSize property
[UNG-2023] - UniServerModule: New soWipeShadowSessions option.
[UNG-2029] - UnimMemo, UnimDBMemo: New MaxRows property
[UNG-2042] - New Component: TUniDBTreeGrid
[UNG-2043] - New Component: TUniDBVerticalGrid
[UNG-2044] - New Component: TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid
[UNG-2052] - Functions uniGUIApplication.FmtSettings and uniGUIApplication.PFmtSettings.
[UNG-2055] - New Server Monitor statistic: Handles
[UNG-2060] - ServerModule: New OnBeforeShutdown event.
[UNG-2061] - UniDBLookupCombo: New GridMode property
[UNG-1952] - UniThreadTimer: Changing Enabled or Interval in Timer event causes high CPU usage
[UNG-1953] - UniDBGrid: Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Date)
[UNG-1956] - Bug when login background image is blank.
[UNG-1957] - Incoming requests may overflow when an event handler is busy for a long time
[UNG-1958] - Unnecessary lock is performed when processing requests.
[UNG-1959] - Design time Font.Style is wrong when ParentFont is false.
[UNG-1960] - EmptyText can not be set at runtime
[UNG-1961] - UniNumberEdit: OnChangeValue is not called.
[UNG-1964] - UniTreeNode: AbsoluteIndex returns wrong value.
[UNG-1966] - CoInitialize is not called in worker thread.
[UNG-1967] - UniTabControl: Tabs.AddObject doesn't create new tab.
[UNG-1968] - UniTabControl: Tabs.Insert() doesn't insert tab at correct postion.
[UNG-1970] - Stored cookies are cleared if a new cookie is set at session startup.
[UNG-1972] - Broken MessageDlg functionality.
[UNG-1974] - Issue when a non-RTL control is inside a RTL parent.
[UNG-1979] - Issue when editor KeyUp event has a handler.
[UNG-1980] - Issue with TUniDateTimePicker and layout management when Kind = tUniDateTime
[UNG-1982] - Issue when EurekaLog is active and there are blocking modals
[UNG-1985] - Issue when ComboBox items contain trailing spaces.
[UNG-1997] - Inherited grid wrongly saves properties in DFM file.
[UNG-2010] - Tab navigation suspends when form has a UniRadioGroup
[UNG-2011] - TUniTreeView: Change event is executed in wrong order.
[UNG-2018] - Async request handling issue on ISAPI startup
[UNG-2019] - UniCharInSet(): Char is casted to AnsiChar causing unicode chars to truncate.
[UNG-2021] - TUniEdit: FormattedEdit: DecimalSeparator & DecimalPrecision can't be changed at runtime.
[UNG-2022] - In OnSessionTimeout event timeout can not be extended beyond SessionTimeout interval.
[UNG-2024] - TUniTreeView: AbsoluteIndex bug.
[UNG-2025] - RefreshCurrentRow doesn't work when DataSet.RecordCount returns 0.
[UNG-2027] - Issue with TActionList in Service/ISAPI mode.
[UNG-2028] - Issue with UnimMemo Height and Client mode alignment
[UNG-2030] - UniDBGrid: OnCellClick event is not fired if a CheckBox editor is directly clicked.
[UNG-2031] - UniDBGrid: Incorrect selection list in CellClick event.
[UNG-2032] - UniDBGrid: Null value is ignored for date field in a row editor.
[UNG-2033] - Issue when TUniDateTimePicker is created dynamically
[UNG-2034] - Component initialization order problem when components are dynamically added in OnShow event
[UNG-2037] - setFieldStyle is not a function error in mobile session
[UNG-2038] - BDS2006 Package install issue
[UNG-2041] - UniDBGrid: Column move index bug.
[UNG-2048] - TUniContainer client height issue when menu is attached.
[UNG-2050] - UniDBGrid: Issue when TField returns NAN
[UNG-2051] - Issue when Panel has docked children
[UNG-2053] - Ajax Error issue in build 1381
[UNG-2054] - TUniFrame.ClientEvents not implemented correctly.
[UNG-2057] - TUniListBox: Bug when Selected Item is deleted.