Currently there are three editions available for uniGUI:

uniGUI Personal Edition

This edition is considered to be suitable for small business and intranet/internet web application projects where number of concurrent users are small and predictable. uniGUI Personal Edition is a good starting point for free lance developers and small business. It provides two deployment methods: Standalone Server and Windows Service. In this edition there is an upper limit of 30 concurrent sessions which means no more than 30 sessions can be active at the same time. This edition doesn't include any source code. Deployment is limited to 32-bit applications only. Please see Feature Matrix below for more details. This edition includes one year subscription to all minor and major updates.


uniGUI Professional Edition

This edition includes all features available in Personal Edition. Additional to those features Professional edition doesn't enforce any limitation on number of concurrent sessions. It also allows ISAPI DLL deployment to Microsoft IIS and Apache for Windows web servers. Deployment is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit applications. This edition includes 10 additional visual themes for desktop web applications. Source code for components2 are included. Please see Feature Matrix below for more details. This edition also includes uniGUI HyperServer.


uniGUI Complete Edition

This edition includes all features available in Professional Edition. Additional to those features Complete edition includes a set of special components for mobile devices. These components are designed and optimized specially for touch based mobile devices such as tablet and smartphones. A demonstration for uniGUI mobile components is available here. Please see Feature Matrix below for more details.


Feature Matrix

  Personal Professional Complete Trial¹
Windows 64-Bit
No Yes Yes No
Linux 64-Bit (Delphi 10.3 and Later) No Yes Yes No
Additional Themes No Yes Yes No
Source Code No Core & Components2 Core & Components2 No
Mobile Components No No Yes Yes
HyperServer No Yes Yes No
One Year Subscription4 Yes Yes Yes -
Deployment Options
Standalone Exe Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Service Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISAPI DLL No Yes Yes Yes
Native Apache 2.4 No Yes Yes Yes
Maximum Concurrent Sessions 30 Unlimited5 Unlimited5 Unlimited5
Session Time Limit3 - - - 5 Minutes
New User Price4 395 USD 680 USD 890 USD Free


1 Trial edition has additional limitations. Please visit here for details.

2 Pro edition includes source code for uniGUI Core and Components. Please see topic Source Code Availability for details.

3 Session Time Limit applies to trial edition only. In trial edition sessions will be forcefully terminated after 3 minutes.

4 Subscription renewal prices are around 60% of the New User Price.

5 Actual maximum number of concurrent sessions is limited by system resources, application design, database engine and other factors.


uniGUI Licensing.