Currently editions with Professional tag distribute partial source code. Partial source code contains source code for uniGUI components only.

By looking at uniGUI library structure it becomes apparent that uniGUI library is divided into several sub-libraries. These are Core, Components, VCL and Design.

  1. Core library is the main engine of uniGUI which contains all important units required to create a web session and perform all Ajax related communication tasks and session management.
  2. Components contains units for uniGUI visual controls such as TUniButton, TUniDBGrid and etc.
  3. VCL is the library for design time VCL controls which are used in uniGUI IDE designer to represent uniGUI controls.
  4. Design library contains all design time units including IDE experts and wizards.

uniGUI Feature Matrix reveals that uniGUI - Professional Edition and uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition contains source code for Core and Components libraries. In future we may expand source code coverage to more libraries.