- uniGUI (1.10.0) (Published)
- Ext JS 6.5.3
- uniGUI Voyager (1.50.0) (Published)
- HyperServer
- Ext JS 6.6.0
- Bug fixes
- uniGUI Pulsar (1.70.0) (Published) (Q4/2018 - Q1/2019)
- Bug Fixes
- Majority of reported bugs will be addressed
- Majority of tickets in support portal will be resolved
- Documentation
- Bug Fixes
- uniGUI Equinox (1.90.0) (Published) (Under development) (Q1/2019 - Q2/2019)
- New Features
- Majority of the new features and improvements available in Ext JS 6.x
- Ext JS 6.7.0
- Pivot Grid
- Detail Grid
- New custom themes
- ListView
- Widget Columns
- IconCombobox
- CheckCombobox
- CheckListBox
- CalendarPanel for Mobile (Modern Toolkit)
- MultiFileUpload with Drag & Drop and ProgressBar support
- UniMaps
- New Dialogs : Progress Dialog, Wait Dialog etc.
- TagField
- UniGridCombobox
- ExportableGrids
- UniButtonEdit & UniDBButtonEdit
- UniServerModule.AllowedIPList (IP white list)
- UniPanel, UniForm, UniDBGrid ToolsButton property
- Infinite Grid
- Infinite List
- Responsive Layout
- Bug Fixes
- HyperServer improvements
- HyperServer additional Transport Channel types
- Documentation
- New Features
- uniGUI Quasar (2.0.0) (Q3/2019 - Q4/2019)
- Beyond Quasar...
- Linux Support for FPC (x86 and ARM)